How I failed @ Affiliate Marketing

Like any business you must

buy low and sell high right? You have to do the math when signing up for and Affiliate Programs. You need to add the cost of all the tools you will need to set it all up. 

Do The Math Before You Jump In

Good question right 

you want a higher commission program at least $40.00 to $50.00 minimum on a sale with a recurring based program. Also it's a good Idea to try and get accepted to a CPA program.  

What to calculate first?
When it's time to call for help!

You'll know when it's time to call for help

at that point you will probably be pounding the desk or crying. I like to do a bit of both before I get the tech support on the phone.

Don't feel bad or stressed

If something goes wrong don't beat your self up

it may be time to get some rest and look at it with fresh eyes. It's most likely late at night and you wont be able to contact tech support until morning.

Don't spend another dime on anything else until you read this!

Don't sign up for any other programs or intangible systems!

Remember how it felt to put all your efforts into something that someone told you works in an instent. Not to mention took your hard earned money.

You Need To Stop What You're Doing Right Now 
Domain Name from $3.00 to 12.00 per year
Web Hosting from $60.00 to $90.00 per year
Domain Name Email from $30.00 per year some are free but may have a higher registrations fee
LLC or Business Registration from $40.00 to $300.00
P.O. Box from $30.00 to $40.oo per year
PPC ads from $25.00 to $100.00 per day (that's not a typo)
You also have to calculate the cost of your Internet service and office supplies form $40.00 to $150.00 

There are many free tools out there as well and lord knows you will need them, however the free stuff doesn't work and/or many not suit your needs.